Citizens exists for the 87% of people in our city who say they've lost faith in the church. We have made a commitment to do whatever it takes to show our city the crazy love of Jesus through word and deed. We are the uniquely different, passionately real church, where ALL who are broken, beat down, or burned out are welcome and worthy of a second chance!
To our Guests! Hopefully you get a handshake, a smile, and about our Discover Gospel Community Group today! At the minimum we would like to know that you were here today! Simply fill out the Connection Card, select the "First Time Guest" box and drop it off at the connection. We're so glad you're here!

About Partnership! At Citizens, we don't have members that fill seats; we have partners that lock arms and play a part! Our Discover Gospel Community Group will help you explore the vision of our church and uncover the part you can play! We would be excited to connect you today! Ask us how!
Let us tell you about WHAT WE DO!
  • KNOW
    We believe biblical knowledge and truth exists for our benefit. We teach expositionally and use a church wide reading plan as a tool to help us connect and grow in both knowledge and truth in the word of God. Ask about church wide reading plan at the connection table today!

  • LOVE
    We believe spiritual growth happens best in the context of community and relationships. GC's are our version of small groups. They meet at various homes throughout the week & provide environments where you can flourish and thrive. Info on how you can connect to our Discover Gospel Community group is available at our Welcome Table.
    We echo the words of Charles Spurgeon, who said "Every christian is either a missionary or an imposter!" To learn about how our church connects as missionaries to our neighborhoods, city, and the globe; connect to our Discover Gospel Community Group today!

    Our goal is to help kids connect to kids and kids connect to Jesus. Every class features a safe, interactive environment with background checked team members to help your child experience the real Jesus in a real way. Click here to read more!
  • ACTS 29
    We believe being a part of something bigger than yourself is important. Being a part of Acts 29 as a member church gives us access to not only training but to a network that plants churches worldwide. We are excited about our partnership!
Our team
  • Chris Harris
  • Jon Rutig
  • Amy Holler
  • Justin Rhoades
  • Danielle Rutig